Cerne Giant
日曜日、ドライブにでかけCerne Abbasの小さな町を発見! 「月曜日はGCESテストだから日曜はお勉強日!」なんて予定していたのは1週間前のこと、その日曜日がやってくると、「気晴らしにドライブに行こう!」となる。「あらーーテストは?」「今日からはじめてももう間に合わないよ!」「じゃ砂浜に漢字書いて勉強だーーー。」と海に向かって出かけたけれど、途中から雨。いつもこの道を通ると立ち寄ってしまうCerne Giant・・「いろんな説があるけれどいったいこの巨人は何者?」???? |
この大きく印象的な巨大の図は、幅、深さ0.3m(1ft)の溝によって形成されます。 |
This huge and impressive giant figure is formed by a trench 0.3m
(1ft)wide and the same depth, cut into the underlying chalk. He is 55m (180ft)
long and 51m(167ft) wide, and his right hand holds an enormous knobbed club
36.5m (120ft) long. His most famous and prominent feature is the erect phallus
and testicles which indicate that fertility rites were practised here. The giant
is generally considered to represent the god He lith or Hercules.
A local legend says that a real giant was killed on the hill and that the people
from Cerne Abbas drew round the figure and marked him out on the hillside.
Barren women were said to conceive soon after sleeping on the Giant body.